Self Care: Scalp Oiling with Hairscription Oils

Essential oils have been used to treat and nurture skin and bolster the strength of hair for centuries. Centuries. Commonly associated in Ayurvedic medicine, hair and scalp oiling has been practiced by many cultures. The benefits of these natural oils have been known and shared since the beginning of time. These essentials oils used alone, or in intentional blends have been worth their weight in gold since their discovery as they are brimming with multiple health and healing benefits and can be used in so many ways for so many reasons. In addition to having aromatherapy benefits, using essential oils on your hair, scalp and skin is a perfect dose of self care and these tiny drops are so impactful in delivering nutrients.
Is Oiling the Scalp and Hair Good?
Balance the natural oil production at the scalp level by oiling your scalp regularly. Choosing a nourishing blend of natural oils, like our Rizos Curls Nourish Oil, will provide anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant protection to some of the most delicate skin on your body. Added to scalp & hair care maintenance routines, scalp oiling helps to maintain hydration and when added to the hair will restore luster, shine & softness. The oil used on the scalp allows the benefits to be quickly absorbed. Oils added to the length of the hair is very replenishing and restorative, as it contributes to strengthening your strands to help fight the effects of wear and tear. Being able to add the oils by massaging into the scalp will increase blood circulation which promotes hair growth and reduces hair fall.
Tackle problematic scalp issues like dryness, irritation and flakes with oils that absorb and penetrate deeply to prevent the dryness that creates flakes and itch on skin to begin with. Adding natural oils, like those in our Detox Oil, that fight these conditions like Tea Tree and Lemon Oil can keep the skin from developing the bacteria that causes flaky skin conditions as these oils are natural antiseptics and antibacterial. A simple addition of a few drops a day or a few times a week can be beneficial.
Adding oil to your ends, provides an additional layer of moisture to prevent dryness which can lead to split ends. Split ends are a result of lack of moisture and the health of your hair, as your ends are the oldest strands on your head and have seen the most damage and exposure to elements. Adding oil regularly will keep steady moisture and shine which not only banishes frizz and fights splitting but improves elasticity. Our Strength Oil has Lavender, Amla and Maracuja Oils that combined, provide strengthening properties to keep hair from breaking and helping length retention. No more crusty, dusty ends!
Overall, oiling your scalp and hair allows moisture and shine to be a mainstay in your curl care routine. Add in skin care, as our Hairscription Oils are perfect for hair, scalp and skin and the benefits to skin are incredible. Lightweight, quick absorbing and 100% essential oil, these blends deliver natural benefits one tiny drop at a time.