Aloe Vera for Curly Hair

Used for centuries as a topical treatment for burns and wounds, Aloe Vera is a juicy, hydrating succulent plant that is native to dry, hot desert climates. Lots of species of Aloe Vera have adapted to be grown as a houseplant and have become a ready staple in the home medicine cabinet. Clippings of Aloe Vera leaves reveal a gelatinous, clear jelly that is cooling and soothing to skin and is often used to calm sun burns, protect and heal minor cuts and scrapes and can even be eaten to help clean your digestive system.
Aloe Vera Benefits For Hair
Can you use Aloe Vera directly on hair? Yes you can! This natural emollient has many benefits to hair & scalp and is used widely in hair products to deliver conditioning and skin soothing rewards to strands and skin.
Aloe Vera has many active ingredients and minerals that can help strengthen your hair helping to increase elasticity and promote length retention. The fatty acid and amino acid content is rich in vitamins A, B12, C, and E and this combination encourages strong growth and healthy hair.
Aloe Vera has natural occurring enzymes that degrade natural oils that accumulate on your hair and scalp. This helps to regulate natural oil, or sebum production and prevent build up.
Itchy, flaky scalp is a super common inflammatory skin condition, especially in textured hair. Flakes, red irritated skin, and scaly patches can occur due to genetics, scalp health and maintenance, and especially in choice of curl care products and ingredients. Aloe Vera has long been a natural solution or treatment to significantly decrease the annoying irritation and inflammation of scalp itch and flakes.
On wash day, Aloe Vera helps to remove excess sebum and oil while soothing the scalp. Experience this powerhouse ingredient in our Rizos Curls Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse and Detox Scalp Scrub.