Red Algae for Curly Hair

What is Red Algae?
Red Algae is a powerhouse for hair, grown in the ebbs and flows of the miraculous sea. Like many natural health solutions available to us as a gift from the ocean, this secret of the sea is a plant based source of vital nutrients needed to strengthen and fortify hair. Responsibly sourced for Rizos Curls, Red Algae has a plethora of benefits that unless you are mermaid, you may have never known its power.
We are proud to have this super ingredient in our
Volume, flexible hold and nutrients in every spray!

Hair Strength
Red Algae contains omega -3 and omega -6 fatty acids that are known to thicken strands and encourage strong growth. These fatty acids are essential to cell function and improve drastically the density of each strand helping to ward against hair fall, thinning, breakage and split ends allowing hair to thrive and grow.
Nutrient Dense
All the nutrients packed in Red Algae make it hard to quantify all the benefits of adding this super ingredient to your regimen. The benefits of Red Algae on hair and skin are countless.Calcium, iron, potassium, vitamins A, B & C...this force nurtures not only the hair shaft but also the scalp. A healthy scalp is the life source to healthy hair.
Anti-microbial, Anti-bacterial, Anti- fungal, Anti-inflammatory
Promoting healthy scalp, Red Algae fights bacteria and re-balances the microbiome of the skin on your scalp lowering the overgrowth of fungus that cause flakes, itch and irritation. Regulates oil production that can reduce excess sebum that can cause scalp conditions and inflammation. Red Algae contains DHA & EPA and is calming and soothing to tender, sore scalps.
While adding all these nutrients and vitamins, Red Algae also naturally softens and smooths hair giving it a silky texture. The hydration keeps the hair and skin moisturized and eliminates frizz.
All hair types will benefit from Red Algae. It is especially beneficial to those who suffer from oily scalps and scalp irritations but will be valuable to every scalp, all skin and provides an overwhelming dose of goodness to all hair strands.
Rizos Curls is committed to including natural, holistic and beneficial ingredients that not only perform on textured hair but also enhance the overall health of your
waves, curls and coils!

Posted on October 21 2022
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